Helpful Resources For You

Helping you live better and healthier!


Circulation of wrong information, dietary guidelines, and negligence of doctors are causing havoc on our health.

I was also a victim, but I decided to change it myself. And now, I’m going to help you do that too.


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What My Clients Are Saying!

“I followed through his program and got amazing results!! Lost weight and got healthier in the process.”

– D. Patel – 


“Rajesh’s program was great. His lemon therapy program worked well. If you want healthy living tips, I recommend you enroll in this program.”

– M. Shah – 


“Rajesh, experience in holistic health and to get anyone from and unhealthy state of being to full health is outstanding. I’m honor to be able to experience first hand his ability to lead people to a better life overall”

– R. Irizarry – 


“What I know about Rajesh is that he has a lot of experience and knowledge on health and wellness. He taught me how to get better with a lifestyle change. With the lemon water detox, I got 70 to 80% improvement in my knee and hand arthritis.”

– Mukesh S. –

I would definitely recommend this program and I already have to other people. If you follow the plan, you will definitely lose weight and get lots of energy. which I have. I am joining the gym, and his program helped me get motivated to do that. I’ve lost 15 lbs and I’ve maintained it. 

– Chintan –

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