Proven Health Benefits
- Slows down the aging process
- Cures sore throat
- Helps with heart diseases
- Lower cholesterol
- Reduces Blood Sugar
- Improves Metabolism
- Boost Immune system
- Prevents Formation of Gallstones
- Prevents Ulcers
- Very Anti-inflammatory
- Improves eyesight
- Purifies Blood
- Strengthens Bones
- Cools the Body
- Prevents Constipation
- Prevents Jaundice
- Reduces the Risk of Cancer
- Protects your Liver
- Makes Healthy Skin
- Brightens Skin
- Better than Cholesterol Pills: Learn how Amla is more beneficial to you than other prescribed medications
- Amla and Cholesterol: Learn the facts about Amla from doctors and studies conducted about the powerful powder.