We all have felt stress in some way. Perhaps it’s stress from your family, from politics. Maybe it’s stress from the outside world, like work, or stress that you are putting on yourself. And this stress will impact your health, whether you realize it or not.
Before you can figure out exactly how to manage your stress, you must ask yourself (and answer!) this question:
“Why do I want to manage my stress?”
Once you have your reason as to why you want or need to manage your stress, then your “how” will be easy to find and do.
This is the most important question you want to be clear about.
Now, here are some ways that you can start to manage your stress.
- Practice meditation in the morning after getting up before you start your day, and again before bed. You can start with 10 to 15 minutes or more. This will keep your mind alert and well-grounded. If you are wondering how to get started on meditation, email me. I have some great resources and tips for beginning meditation practices.
- Before going to bed, get out a piece of paper, or start a journal. Now, write down what you are thankful for. You can share this the next morning or evening with your family or friend(s). If you start to create a gratitude practice, you will develop a positive focus on your life with this habit, and you will see a reduction in your stress.
- One hour before going to bed, do a “digital detox”–this means no TV, computer or smartphone. It’s hard to do in today’s age of social media, but here is what you can do instead: take a warm shower, read, play games, and relax and chit chat with family. You can pray or meditate (don’t forget to write your gratitude journal entry!) and then go to sleep.
- Forgive yourself and others for your peace of mind. Get professional help if you need it in this area. This is the most IMPORTANT thing you can do for yourself to reduce stress.
- Engage in an exercise that you enjoy for 30 minutes a day. You can break it down to 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening. Repeat this 3 to 5 times a week. Exercise is a terrific way to reduce stress and add a healthy element to your life.
These are few examples, and there are many more that can be done. What are your favorite ways to manage stress? What is standing in your way of implementing some of these practices into your daily life?
Praying and wishing for your health and happiness!