Growing up, my parents instilled in me the importance of giving and personal growth. They taught me that living is giving and that focusing solely on getting can lead to suffering. Instead, they emphasized that the formula for happiness and success is through giving to others and investing in personal growth. They also warned me against the dangers of excessive self-focus with an “I, Me, Mine” mentality, which can lead to suffering. This valuable lesson has stayed with me throughout my life and has been a guiding principle in my pursuit of Health & wellness.
I grew up in Middle class family in India and We had our challenges with my mother’s Health, My father’s addiction with gambling and lack of money. I had great parents and they loved me. My father was so loving and caring and my mother was like a living god for me.
My father due to family pressure and wanted to help his parents and us got in to habit of gambling for quick money . His intention was pure and good. Unfortunately, he got addicted to gambling and that cause us lots of financial difficulties, Stress and health challenges for my mom.

At age 22 I came to the USA and worked hard, got in touch with some smart people, Invested lots of time on personal growth. I went to Landmark Forum, Strategic Coach, Coaching from Stephen covey 7 habits of highly effective people, Part of Tony Robbins Platinum family, now a Senior leader serving with Team Tony Got Marriage coach and Personal coach and got Psychological help with MD and counselor.
This Journey was very hard and at times very painful.
I am so glad I was able to go through this and was able to invest my time, money and efforts.
This helped me get my priority straight, I started focusing on self-care and built my Intimate life with my wife and my kids. Forgive myself and ask for forgiveness from my wife, kids and others. Got my health back and let go of 7 different medications since the last 6 years.
I choose to rewire myself and give up my 9-5 work/business after 40 years and focus on sharing my wisdom, love and knowledge first to ME and then my Family and friends.
I started Simple Healthy Living LLC in 2018 with the purpose of sharing my knowledge and my journey experience of, from sickness to wellness. I am fortunate that I have been able to help my parents, My brothers and sisters and their family, lots of old and new friends with their health challenges and bring in some clarity and help them restore back their health.
I got educated and learned Live blood test and how the quality of our blood tells us where we are. I went to various alternative health care places in India and USA and learned and applied and have turned around my health and lots of other people health.

Sole purpose of Simple Health Living foundation is Provide Free knowledge and coaching to help my friends and family to turn around their health. With grace of god and blessing of my parents I am very fortunate with good mental ,Emotional and Physical health.
I have worked hard and now I am at the stage of life where I am more focused on loving and living with giving my time, talents and resources to help.
I am very lucky and blessed that I get to do this and make a difference.
This one way of honoring my parents and bring their vision for me to be true servant leader.
Wishing all of you health wealth and Happiness.