Have you considered practicing “digestive walks”? Taking a 15-minute walk after meals has been shown to significantly lower after-meal blood sugar levels. Another study found when you walk after consuming a large meal, food moves through the digestive tract more quickly when compared to those who did not walk.
Walking has other added benefits too; It improves boosting your metabolism, aids digestion, and lowers stress levels. Juan Delgado, a sports scientist quotes “It lowers glycemic index significantly, improves intestinal movements, promotes better sleep and boosts your blood flow.”
Walking after taking a meal produces this good-mood inducing hormone, according to Mayo Clinic. An after-meal stroll can release Serotonin, which is Neurotransmitter that promotes good sleep, helps regulate appetite, improves learning memory, and increases positive feelings.
After you eat a meal, some people want to take a nap. Fight this urge! Make sure to walk, not nap.
What I have found works for me is that after eating, even a walk in my backyard or inside the house during the winter months wakes me up and energizes me. It can be as short as 10-15 minutes.
Bonus tip: after lunch or dinner I will grab my phone and make calls so I can walk and talk. This is great because I’m checking off items on my agenda plus I get to walk and talk versus just sitting.
Sitting or staying stagnant is never going to be as good for you as moving after meals. Make it a daily habit and this will help. Think about having a goal to move 10,000 steps per day. Get creative and this small change in habit will be a very beneficial part of your daily walking and has lots of benefits.
Here are some more fun ways to add walking after meals.
- If you are at work, grab a friend or someone you can have pleasant conversation with and go for a 10 to 15 minutes walk after lunch.
2.In the evening, go out with your spouse, kids, friends, or parents for a 15 minutes walk around the block or even in the house.
- Add information into your walk! You can use this time to listen to podcasts, audiobooks, Ted Talks, YouTube, or music to make it fun.
- Have fun with your furry friends! If you have a pet, take him or her out for a walk.