Lower Your Risk of Dementia

Lower Your Risk of Dementia

Does Dementia Run in your Family? Lower your risk TODAY! I constantly talk about physical health. But what’s the number one factor for keeping your physical health vibrant and energetic? Your MIND! You have to take care of your mind. Your heart is healthy if your...
Detox and Cleansing

Detox and Cleansing

If you read any health and wellness blogs, follow health coaches or accounts on social media, or have even heard people talking on the news, you might have heard about Detox and Cleansing.  Maybe you even heard about a “detox” or “cleanse” because a celebrity was...
How I got Here: My Story from Sickness to Wellness

How I got Here: My Story from Sickness to Wellness

Sometimes I wonder how I got here. Some events can really change your course of life and bring you where you cannot even think you could be. I spent my childhood in India. One night when I was in 7th grade, my mother had terrible chest pains and I was so afraid that I...
The Miracle Behind Celery Juice

The Miracle Behind Celery Juice

There is not enough information available to the public about celery juice that showcases its many benefits as a nutritional powerhouse. Celery juice can help eliminate toxins, kill unwanted bacteria, aid in digestion, and improve memory function.  Here’s how it...
Is there such a thing as Mental Fasting?

Is there such a thing as Mental Fasting?

Have you ever considered mental fasting?  In my last blog, I talked about the many benefits of fasting from food, and how fasting works to detox your body, giving your digestive system a vacation, while also positively impacting your organs, and lowering...