Have ever been shocked to hear that someone you thought was really fit suffered from–or even died of a massive heart attack? Or that someone else you know who runs every single day still has high cholesterol? Or someone who is a biker or hiker or active tennis player...
If you read any health and wellness blogs, follow health coaches or accounts on social media, or have even heard people talking on the news, you might have heard about Detox and Cleansing. Maybe you even heard about a “detox” or “cleanse” because a celebrity was...
So many people struggle with inflammation, especially chronic inflammation. If you read my most recent blogs, you already know the difference between acute and chronic inflammation, and what causes each of these things to happen in your body. You also have learned...
Wondering why you Have Aches and Pains? Take a Look at Your Diet No one wants bursitis, arthritis, aches, and pains, or inflammation. We spend hours searching for remedies, like creams, shoe inserts, and medications all designed to make us feel better. What if the...
We all know that eating well is on the list of things you need to do to have great health. But whatever we eat creates waste that has to be eliminated; this is whether we are eating good or junk food. Waste that’s not eliminated creates toxins in your body, and if...