It is as easy as the amount of focus and put energy you put behind it!

Follow this simple 5 step process
Feed your mind: If you don’t feed anything or have the same recurring thoughts, where does that get you? How do you condition yourself?
Read every day… 15 minutes to one hour. Try with books like “Think and Grow Rich” and “Magic of Thinking Big”.
Self talk (Incantation) with your body, mind and emotion.
Writing positive messages where you can see them like a bathroom mirror or your car sun visor.
Listen to an inspirational Ted Talk or CD while in the bathroom, cooking in the kitchen, or driving. Feed your mind with good thoughts. Use N.E.T. time (No Extra Time) while driving, working, etc.
Strengthen your body
Your mind is important, but equally important is your body where you LIVE with your mind. Eat healthy and eliminate or minimize animal products, dairy, eggs, refined and processed food & sugar.
Eat salad in the morning for breakfast or lunch and fresh fruits in the afternoon. For snacking in between, drink vegetables juices
Exercise, walk, do yoga, Pranyam, lift weights, run etc.
3. Find great role models

Find someone who is getting results that you want and learn from them. Read their books if you are not able to meet them. Go to their seminars. I went to Tony Robbins, Stephen Covey, Landmark forum, Strategic Coach by Dan Sullivan, and Ramdev Baba yoga camp.
4. Take massive actions:

Every day, plan to accomplish 3 to 5 action items and do it. Do something that will lead you to your next step. Like build a website or reach out to people. Be flexible to change the course of action if required but do something and do it daily.
Evaluate your result. If your goal is to see sunset and you go run east you will never see it.
5. Get outside of yourself

Instead of focusing 100 percent on your goal, you must also find a way to add MASSIVE VALUE to others with your mission. Spirit of LIVING IS GIVING. It will help you in two ways. It will lessen the intensity of your problems and you life will have a more meaning. Life is not about “me” , life is all about “we”.
If you follow all of these five steps daily, this year of 2020 will be extraordinary, as well as your life in the future.